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At a Glance

MasseitPerosa activate a mechanism in humans that leads to profound changes.

Our experiences and those of our ancestors profoundly influence our behavior and well-being. These pieces of information, stored in our brains, cells, and DNA, form programs that govern our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

MasseitPerosa offers a unique method to identify and positively change these programs, comparable to a system cleanup on a computer. One single and unique intervention that changes lives worldwide.
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Explained in 8 Short Points

1. The Computer Comparison

Imagine you have a computer with countless stored pieces of information. This information forms the basis for programs, including malicious programs, that can affect your computer’s performance.

2. Human System

For humans, it works similarly. Information from our experiences is stored in our brain and cells, among other places, and influences our behavior.

3. Inherited Experiences

Experiences of our ancestors also affect us. This cross-generational transfer of experiences, known as "transgenerational inheritance," is stored in our DNA and can significantly influence our lives.

4. Powerful Programs

Personal experiences, transgenerational inheritance, and other factors form programs that influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions. These programs can also cause recurring life situations and physical symptoms.

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5. Emotions and Limitations

Emotions and feelings are based on the active information within us. Blockages are based on the same foundations and influence our actions and decisions, which are often aimed at avoiding pain and unpleasant consequences.

6. The Remote-Intervention

Similar to how a computer specialist can remotely connect to a computer, Myriam Perosa can connect to a human system. She can initiate processes that not only improve a person's performance but also their entire experience — in a single intervention.

7. Everything is Information

Neural connections, cell behavior, and DNA — all are based on information. Systems behave according to the information they contain and how they process it. This applies to technical systems like computers as well as biological systems like cells and organisms . When the information is changed, the behavior changes.


8. Positive Changes

Our clients report feeling freer, thinking differently, and acting differently. This is not magic, but a logical consequence. The human system is capable of much more than most people believe. This includes the ability to perform a "cleanup" themselves, neutralizing burdensome information and dissolving limitations.

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If the body can heal wounds without our active involvement, why shouldn't it also have the natural ability to automatically dissolve blockages and other limitations it has created?


And it can! Without a person having to actively contribute. It's similar to a domino game. Sometimes, a small nudge is enough, and the rest happens on its own.


Any Questions?

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