That is the question that we - Myriam Perosa and Dennis A. Masseit - asked when we met a desperate mother and her 14-year-old daughter E. in June 2022. The message from the mother had moved us deeply.
"Can someone help my daughter? I have thought often about what if I am no longer here?!, began the message from E.’s mother. “I can’t leave her in this world. I have to take her with me. I am so desperate. Because she can do nothing, or very little. She wouldn’t survive three days alone. She is dependent on care, especially due to her mental development. I have been to healers and so on, but nobody could help. I don’t know what to think anymore. It tears me apart.”
Doctors and therapists were helpless. At that time, nobody knew that E. was suffering from a genetic defect.
A 14-year-old girl who cannot dress herself or communicate.
"I don't understand my daughter at all!!! I don't even know if she understands me!!"
The changes that were seen in just 7 months due to a targeted work on the metaphysical system of the girl surprised us all. Developments that border on a 'miracle'.
About the authors:
Myriam Perosa has the gift and knowledge to read metaphysical systems precisely and to recieve any kind of answers she requires. The correctness of the what she receives has been even proven by a human genetic laboratory.
Dennis A. Masseit ... as a coach trained in many specialist areas, has profound know-how and years of experience. He has lectured at universities and worked with numerous top managers and top athletes.
They are teaching people around the world how to consciously interact with their proper metaphysical system, thus neutralizing all the burdensome information among other things.
The Screening of the Revelation
We conducted a Screening of E.'s metaphysical system initially. During a screening, Myriam Perosa gains access to a person's metaphysical system in order to uncover the deeper causes behind recurring life dynamics, emotional life, or physical symptoms.
Myriam then encountered the cause of E.'s mental development. Result: genetic defect. This screening result was then afterewards matched by a human genetics laboratory.
With our classical approach, we teach people how to interact with their metaphysical system, how to realign it, and thus how to bring about changes or how to activate self-healing powers.
how do you teach a person to interact with and realign the metaphysical system when her own mother doesn't even know if her daughter understands her?
The only way to help: Myriam Perosa had to take over the work instead of E.
This means: first of all, to deactivate (decouple) all non-beneficial information (personal experiences, transgenerational heritage, information from past lives, emotional contagion, etc.) and then to realign E.'s metaphysical system – without any idea of what results to expect from a genetic defect, if any.
We wanted to help and we wanted to know what is possible despite a genetic defect
We decided to help them. This decision sent us on a journey 7 months ago, accompanying the 14 year old E. and her mother.
Because if even the smallest thing could move for a girl with a genetic defect, then many people should re-examine their views and convictions fundamentally.
Transformations that are close to miraculous
In these past 7 months, Myriam Perosa and E. have seen each other only once in a video call. But we are in constant written exchange with the mother.
Read an excerpt of the mother's moving messages here, and how the boundaries of the impossible were shifted in her daughter.
Original excerpts of the mother's messages:
In general, E. is much more present. There are suddenly situations as if she were thoughtful.
We went to the ear doctor before Christmas for a check-up and finally E. was able to show independently on which ear she hears the sound. This was not possible before !!!
E. gets to sign the prescription at the therapy. She feels so great. She then signs her full name! Usually I sign or the teachers in the class sign. But the therapist has been letting E. sign for some time.
Earlier I said to E., come on, let's get dressed. We then actually go into the room and I change her. Before I knew it, she was standing in front of me in leggings, which she had put on HERSELF !!!
For example, E. held the cell phone in the car again this morning and she always wants us to call someone we know. It rang and then E. said shy "Hello ... XXX ..." - I was all excited. Amazing !!! That was not the case before. When someone answered she was silent as if she "did not know what now" ....“
She smiled and hugged me when we got home today. Such a hug had never happened before. It was like "I have to hug and kiss you to thank you."
A doctor once told me 10 years ago, when E. was 4 years old, E. will never be able to do anything, she is weak and remains at the level of a toddler. It was sooooo terrible. I had cried so much. I don't know, but when you are in such a situation as we were with E., or even other people who see doctors can not help further, but only accompany, this feeling is not nice, really not.
And then Myriam appears... You don't even dare to say her name, afraid the dream could burst, and you are so happy and grateful. She found the key point. I can't describe all this. Without Myriam, without you, E. wouldn't have had a chance - now she has a chance.
*** Update, March, 19/2023 ***
E. has developed qualitative cognitive (intellectual) abilities.
E. surprised me greatly with the following: yesterday - now to 5 (!!) acquaintances, she sent person-specific pictures. The amazing thing is that E. did not send any pictures, but only pictures related to the respective persons. For example, only from the place where we otherwise see the acquaintances.
We and E. and her family still have a long way to go. But already the 14-year-old E., who wants to actively participate in life, is showing us that there is much more than meets the eye, and that everyone can achieve more than they think. We will keep you updated on E.'s journey.
How have other clients experienced working with Dennis A. Masseit and Myriam Perosa? And with what results? Read here