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Flying blind through life - part 1

Writer's picture: Dennis A. Masseit & Myriam PerosaDennis A. Masseit & Myriam Perosa

Updated: May 18, 2022

A lifetime long the same melody: How we create our reality - without even knowing it

Why do similar situations often arise? Why do we always get to hear the same melody in our life?

It's actually incredible how many choices each of us would have.

It's as if a composer had all the notes and instruments imaginable at his disposal and could put them together at will to create the best possible musical arrangement. And yet he composes the same piece over and over again. A lifetime of the same melody. But why?


The notes, which the composer of our life melody - but also individual life situations - can make use of, are all the information which our metaphysical system as a gigantic data carrier carries in itself. Information like the pleasant and not so pleasant experiences of our past. Worries and fears about the future, experiences of our ancestors

and a number of other areas which influence us are stored as particles in our metaphysical system. Especially those experiences and information that (still) activate emotions and feelings (no matter if we are aware of them or not) play a decisive role in the composition of our musical pieces. Through the constant interaction and cross-effects between our matter-body and our metaphysical system, it is decided which melody will be played. Written down as musical notation, such a composition would also be called a 'Sheet Music'.

Some Sheet Music composed of the stored information result in a harmonic melody, others in a sad or a dramatic composition, and still others are simply a loose sequence of notes without any discernible connection - or better: harmony.


These specific arrangements of notes, so the interplay of information, feelings and emotions, form the basis for the emergence of future situations!


And why do we now constantly get to hear similar compositions?

The answer is quite simple:

We get to hear them because we ourselves play them continuously! And usually we don't even know that we are doing it.

But musical notes alone do not produce audible tones. We can have an almost endless number of compositions at our disposal, but as long as their notes are not played, they simply remain notes on a piece of paper.

Information, therefore, must first be activated in order to have any significant impact. If they are not activated, they simply represent ballast. It's as if we were constantly carrying hundreds of scores in a backpack on our backs, only five of which would be played. At some point we would realize how heavy our backpack had become.

So, in order that compositions can produce an effect, we need a musical instrument and someone to play it. In our case we even have a whole orchestra - namely our metaphysical system with all its innumerable components.

Who is still missing? The conductor.

Because he works out with the orchestra the piece to be performed, determines its speed (tempi), which musical instruments will be used - and above all, he determines which compositions will be performed at all.

And who is the conductor? That is ourselves. Isn't that fantastic?


We continuously conduct an orchestra that we know nothing about. And this orchestra plays pieces of music whose scores we don't even know. Grandiose!


Pretty much the only thing we notice from all this are the reactions of the audience. Because the audience is our concrete life situations!

Through the audience, we continuously receive feedback about what our orchestra is playing. If the audience throws eggs, then now we know why.

In other words: If we constantly get into similarly unpleasant situations, we have to change the information in our system. We need to rewrite the Sheet Music and consciously interact with our orchestra.

Why aphorisms and affirmations so rarely work

This 'recomposing' is often tried as follows:

We look for alternative melodies outside of ourselves somewhere, gladly also called aphorisms, life wisdoms or affirmations. For example: 'I am unique, valuable and irreplaceable!' That's true. Every human being is unique, valuable and irreplaceable. Only, who really believes that about himself? Especially because our orchestra usually plays a completely different tune. And even if we try to talk ourselves into this new 'belief', the information in our metaphysical system is not changed by it.

This means: The conductor may now have a different melody buzzing around in his head, but the orchestra still has the old Music Sheets on the music stands. And therefore it will continue to play them.


Techniques such as working with 'positive', i.e. beneficial affirmations, can become really helpful when the boycotting information has already been separated from our system and the programs have been dissolved. Because then only thinking automatisms remain, i.e. habits that we can actually change consciously and through practice.


Let's assume that we actually managed to fundamentally rewrite some Musical Sheets. That would be great! But there are still a few weird notes among them that don't fit the piece and sound really horrible. Or: All instruments play the new piece in unison, only the trumpeters still play from the old sheet music. What will be the reaction of the audience?

The point is:

Until we remove all boycotting and sabotaging information from our system and learn to interact with and direct our orchestra to become a team, we cannot expect to 'create' lives according to our imagination.

Why these compositions play such an extremely important role and why we fly through life in a blind flight, so to speak, is something we will go into in the second part. Flying blind through life - Part 2


Which notes - or information - are played by your Orchestra?


All rights reserved by MasseitPerosa GbR

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